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Tax Forms
1094B 49 or Less Employees Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Returns (Sold Individually)
1094C 50 or More Employees (3 page form) Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer & Coverage Returns (sold Individually)
1095B5 IRS50 ACA Health Coverage IRS Landscape Format (50/Pkg)
1095BCBLK Laser 1095C Blank Face Employer Provided Health Ins. w/instructions on back
1095C5 IRS50 Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer & Coverage (50/Pkg)
1096 Continuous Annual Summary 2-Part NCR for 1099s
1099-Int, 2-up, Federal Copy A
1099-Int, 2-up, Recipient Copy B
95204ES W2 4-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (20 Employees)
95206ES W2 6-Part Laser w/Self-Seal Envelopes (20 Employees)
95211 W2 4-Part Laser (50 Employees)
95211E W2 4-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (50 Employees)
95212 W2 6-Part Laser NO ENVELOPES (50 Employees)
95212E W2 6-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (50 Employees)
95214 W2 4-Part Laser (100 Employees)
95214E W2 4-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (100 Employees)
95216 W2 6-Part Laser (100 Employees)
95216E W2 6-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (100 Employees)
95216ES W2 6 Part Laser w/Self-Seal Envelopes (100 Employees)
95218E W2 8-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (100 Employees)
95904ES 1099 MISC 4-Part Laser WITH ENVELOPES (20 Recipients)
95907ES 1099 INT 3-Part Laser A,B,C WITH ENVELOPES (20 Recipients)
95910ES 1099DIV 4-Part Laser w/Self Seal Envelope (20 Recipients)
95913 1099 MISC 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C (100 Recipients)
95913E 1099 MISC 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
95914 1099 MISC 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,C (100 Recipients)
95914E 1099 MISC 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,C WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
95918 1099 MISC 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C (50 Recipients)
95918E 1099 MISC 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,C WITH ENVELOPES (50 Recipients)
95918ES 1099 MISC 4-Part Copies A,B,C,C w/Self-Seal Envelopes (50 Recipients)
95944E 1099 R 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,D WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
95946e 1099 R 6-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,D,1,2 WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
DW19W Double Window Envelopes for 1099NEC & 1099s Laser & Continuous
DW3 Double Window Envelopes for 3up Laser W2s
DW387 Double Window Envelopes for L87 & CL38
DW4DN Double Window Envelopes for 4 Down Alt. W2s
DW4MWD Double Window Envelopes for Blank 4up 1099R
DW4S Double Window Envelopes for W2 Laser L4UP/L4UPRR
DWCL Double Window Envelopes for Laser & Continuous W2s
DWMR Double Window Envelopes for Laser & Continuous 1099 MISC, 1099R & 1099DIV
L1096 1096 Annual Summary - Laser for 1099s
L4BL W2 Blank Front Laser 4-up (50 Employees) w/Backer Instructions. Print out without control # does not fit DW4S Envelopes
L4DN W2 LSR 4up Copy B/C/2 (N) Hor- 1pk
L4UP W2 LASER 4-up (Employee's Copies) (50 Employees) Ideal for electronic filing. (DW4S may not work with all print outs)
L4UPR W2 Laser 4-up (Employer's Copies) (50 Employees)
L87B Laser W2 4-Up Blank Horz. w/Backer Instructions
L87R W2 Employer Copy D, 4-up Horizontal (50 per Pkg.)
LGA 1099G Federal Copy A (50 Per Pkg.)
LGB 1099 G Laser, Recipient Copy B
LMBL 1099 MISC Blank 2-up with Backer Instructions (50 per pkg.)
LR4BL 1099R Laser 4up Blank w/Backer (50 per Pkg.)
LSA 1099S Laser (3-up) Federal Copy A (50 per Pkg.)
LSB 1099S Laser (3-up) Transferor Copy B (50 per Pkg.)
LSC 1099S Laser (3-up) Filer and/or State Copy C (50 per Pkg.)
LW2A W2 Laser 2-up Employer's Copy A (Federal) (100 Employees)
LW2CA W-2C Fed Copy A, Corrected Income - 50/pkg - 1 page = 1 employee
LW2CB W-2C Employee Copy, Corrected Income - 50/pkg - 1 page = 1 employee
LW2CC W-2C Employee Copy 2 or C, Corrected Income - 50/pkg - 1 page = 1 employee
LW2CD1 W-2C Employer State, City or Local Copy 1 or D, Corrected Income - 50/pkg - 1 page = 1 employee
LW2D1 W2 Laser 4-up Employer's Copy 1 / State / Local or Copy D (100 Employees)
LW3 W3 - Laser (Transmittal of Income for W2s)
LW3C W-3C Transimittal of Corrected Income & Tax Statement - 50/pkg - 1 page = 1 employee
NEC95903ES 1099, 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C WITH ENVELOPES (20 Recipients)
NEC95904ES 1099, 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,C WITH ENVELOPES (20 Recipients)
NEC95913 1099, 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C (100 Recipients)
NEC95913E 1099, 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
NEC95914 1099, 4-Part Laser, Copies A,B,C,C (100 Recipients)
NEC95914E 1099, 4-Part Laser, Copies A,B,C,C WITH ENVELOPES (100 Recipients)
NEC95918 1099, 3-Part Laser Copies A,B,C (50 Recipients)
NEC95918E 1099, 4-Part Laser Copies A,B,C,C WITH ENVELOPES (50 Recipients)
NEC95918ES 1099 4-Part, Laser Copies A,B,C,C, w/Self-Seal Env's (50 Recipients)
NECLMBL 1099 MISC Blank 3-up with Backer Instructions (50 per pkg.)
NECTC-M4 1099 MISC. 4-Part NCR Continuous
TC-I4 1099 INT 4-Part NCR Continuous
TC-M4 1099 MISC. 4-Part NCR Continuous
TC-R4 1099 R 4-Part NCR Continuous
TC18-3 1098 3-Part NCR Continuous Mortgage Interest Statement
W3 Continuous Feed (NCR) 2-Part Transmittal of Income for W2s
X17 W2 4-Part NCR Continuous
X18 W2 6-Part NCR Continuous